Similar todos
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test on ie11 and edge and nothing is working, nice
check IE10/11/Edge compat
test IE11 Windows 7 #filepond
test 3.3.1 update on Chrome #csspro
finish testing update on Chrome #csspro
test on IE11 - like the drift plugin is working and thats it - to be improved
setup multisite + cross browser testing for client
test other chromium browser #life
test site responsiveness #wi
test website
test website #whateverwebsite
testing on virtualbox ie11 and edge #fml
Test Plan help tooltips + radio styles #rayfeed
test 3.9.9 update on Firefox #cssscan
test Chrome demo #csspro
tested site on mobile devices #wi
#applicantai test audio recordings and transcribtion in different browsers macOS (Safari, Chrome, Firefox) and Safari iPhone