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Made a few social updates for the next weeks
Made some social media updates
Make some social media updates for this week
plan next updates #csspro
Back from vacation and planning what's next.
update for #screenhunt2 plans
after 1 week of "vacation" from twitter and building my thinking starts to clear up, I get new ideas and approaches I want to test out, changes to my social media practices. Still needs some days so I'm gonna prolong my own vacation #life
made a list of all the social posts that are planned
Update alle running projects after vacation
Made some social posts
plan social posts for upcoming week #yelmair
Changed the meta tags for Twitter. though I'm going on a short trip, I decided to work on a very small task like this to maintain good habits. will fix some issues tomorrow depending on the feedback I got. #neubrutalismui
Make a bunch of social update
Made e bunch of spocial media posts
💤 mostly worked on community and open source projects today. taking a four day vacation to refresh and cross off a couple of side projects goals
daily updates social media #fajarsiddiq
Tweet about #fashn updates after a while of not building in public