Similar todos
continue to ponder why my variables don't reset :/
figure out why my variables don't show up in my template :/
set up variable #hour
fix all current ambiguous variables #caravi
figure out logic #shipr
#slackdiscord Figure out what @levelsio did so far
figure out functionality #jobs
Figure out my new positioning statement
figure out I am once again an idiot #sparkbase
finished setting up global user variable #getyelledat
sorted out environment variables for #blankpage
figure out how to fix navigation #reactfordataviz
figure out the bugs #klimy
#sheet2site add global vars
Save data into variables to use later #ceev
figure out how to say the thing #refactoringbook
read back through my code and reorient myself with what was going on when I stopped 🙃 #courseblocks