Similar todos
#lucidbot Add .env files for development and production
setup production env
install app in prod + config .env
update .env on production with postmark settings #ctr
#cloth run as production env
#topbubbles setup new production server
setup prod env in AWS
set up production deployment environment #cannaboard
Prepare prod config for new prod server #prompthero
configure Dev and Prod environment Variables #cannaboard =>prisma.yml file
set up dev env #webhacks
fix env for production #startupcrowns
🛠 set up production server #makerinbox
#rulo configure production db
setup clear dev and prod environment #readersdiary
setting up production servers #apimocka
finished setup for production setup #linqmeup
setup another server for production #sketchfordesignrs
Setup forestadmin in in dev and prod #demtovideo