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Added some v-bind:key directives where the linter was asking for them. #rhymecraft
Got the metronome working with hot reload #rhymecraft
Removed some tooltips that I hadn't defined values for, and were causing errors as a result. #rhymecraft
Spent an hour reviewing my wiki for possible tasks to work on. #rhymecraft
Got hot reloading working! #rhymecraft
Got the timing graph displaying the position of syllables relative to the beat much more accurately. #rhymecraft
Automatically calculate the startingHundredthForTheFirstSyllable #rhymecraft
Got the front-end metronome to delay when it starts so that it'll line up with the beat in the audio file. #rhymecraft
Posted my learnings to a new StackOverflow Q&A:… #rhymecraft
spent an hour trying to figure out why a Vuex object is showing up empty in the devtools when it isn't empty #rhymecraft
have the front-end able to play a metronome #rhymecraft