Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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make ATS style prefilled apply form for #remoteok if they’re logged in so they can apply faster
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add “the #1 Remote Job Board” to page description #remoteok
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add “the #1 Remote Job Board” to emails #remoteok
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add self-re-send link so companies can receive the email they get after posting their job if they missed it (for ex if there was a typo in their email address) #remoteok
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make company_twitter, company_email, invoice_email editable after posting on #remoteok because sometimes people make errors on them
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make prototype of easy apply button which pre-writes the job application form for you with your profile data from #remoteok workers and sends the company an email with everything in it so you can apply to jobs much faster
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shorten long tags like “Quality Assurance” to QA in auto monthly #remoteok stats tweet
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ask Domainbox (?) to escalate ROK.CO transfer #remoteok
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add ROK.CO to Cloudflare #remoteok
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add short link ROK.CO as upsell $49 #remoteok
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add short_link to jobs.db so we can do first char of company name with number #remoteok
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add auto copy paste “share this job” short link with new short domain #remoteok
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buy ROK.CO for $8,141 and transfer into Namecheap to use for #remoteok short links sharing
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fix #remoteok price pumper doesn’t show dynamic pump in msg
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change [ Post your job ] to [ Start hiring ] to increase perception of value (e.g. a job post you can’t charge $$$ for but a verb of launching you can maybe) #remoteok
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change [ Post your job ] to [ Launch your job ] to increase perception of value (e.g. a job post you can’t charge $$$ for but a verb of launching you can maybe) #remoteok
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increase @daniellockyer’s price pumper from $75 to $100 so that base price becomes $699 for a job post #remoteok
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fix wrong base price #remoteok
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commit to #remoteok from boat
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set #remoteok jobs.db WAL
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