Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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change all daily email alerts in db to weekly to fix bot still sending daily job alerts and it’s expensive and will be a premium feature #remoteok
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send #remoteok data for acquisition
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update Stripe API version from 2020-08-27 to 2023-10-16 to use the new $0 cost orders and fix the 100% discount bug #remoteok
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try fix the edit job post and post job post sometimes gives Cloudflare 403s on 3rd world country IPs #remoteok
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set Google remote jobs scraper to hourly instead of every 5 minutes and save 12x less requests and money #remoteok
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add epoch_edited for job posts to cachebust screenshots better via @marckohlbrugge #remoteok
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save Twitter $100/mo API to search for jobs because I can do same with ScrapingBee by searching Google with #remoteok
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fix bump jobs code to use payment method in customer object that does not have a default_payment_method and no paymentIntentId #remoteok (thx @AndreyAzimov)
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replace DAILY job alerts with WEEKLY, because we were sending 63,452 emails per day, this saves us $500/month #remoteok
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do #remoteok Canny bug board
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fix #remoteok profile photo should go to edit
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switch off Stripe Radar cause too expensive #remoteok
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contribute $100,000+ USD to climate #remoteok #nomads
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reduce refund period from 7 days to 24 hours #remoteok
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add payment processing surcharge because it’s strange we have to eat the Stripe fees #remoteok
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tell job post customers to report bugs and ideas on the bug board #remoteok
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fix bump job post didn’t charge properly if it was a job post bundle that was renewed #remoteok
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investigate why Proxify has 5 jobs posts open but only paid for one #remoteok
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add bug board to #remoteok
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get @remoteok on Telegram via auction #remoteok
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