Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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add customer feedback rating modal #remoteok to collect site rating
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fix consoleLog() markdown error because we don’t use markdown anymore #remoteok
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ban IPs for #remoteok API if they don’t link back and delay their API access by 90 days so all they get is old job posts
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fix job post outside screen #remoteok
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fix if bank payment used the callback wouldn’t properly post the job because it would use the Stripe Session ID to find it in DB, but use client_reference_id in Session instead which is the Job Post ID #remoteok
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fix message that job is closed if it’s too old, but it’s not cause it’s bumped #remoteok
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request transfer from to Cloudflare for #remoteok #nomads
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raise base price #remoteok to $899 because apparently raising the price isn’t affecting sales at all
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fix findTags() function again #remoteok now better
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rewrite find tags function cause it was FUBAR written in 2015 #remoteok
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post about recession as job posts on #remoteok are down -33%
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add ReFI tag to #remoteok
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when bumping, and job has sticky set, reset the sticky epoch timestamp so it becomes sticky again #remoteok
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confirm forcing people to login/signup to apply for job works and gets people to make #remoteok profiles
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gender and language tags if active do not show on mobile layout when filtering profiles because .tag { display:none; } should be .tag:not(.active) { display:none; } #remoteok
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fix wrong GitHub domain for email signature from profile #remoteok
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increase @daniellockyer Price Pumper from $100 to $150 per pump #remoteok
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change Stripe Climate donations from 5% to 1% to cost cut for impending market downturn #remoteok
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start saving edit hash (used by companies to edit job posts) in db instead of generating it on-the-fly so we can later switch to random hashes for more security #remoteok
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send payment details to Safetywing for new sponsorship #remoteok
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