Remote OK

Remote OK


Find your remote job and work from anywhere
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mock up new #remoteok layout
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fix wrong link underline color #remoteok company profile box
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make select color tasty yellow #remoteok
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make schema minValue maxValue etc for jobPosting integer value not string #remoteok
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improve table layout #remoteok profiles based on Rebase apply form
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fix social media and website fields to not show double (preview and input) #remoteok profile
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add nationality, residency and location country code selector to #remoteok profiles (same as Rebase)
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add city text box and country <select> field to #remoteok profiles to replace the ambiguous “location” field which had crazy names in it because everyone describes where they live differently and it’s hard to analyze this data
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fix cannot add employment resume etc. on mobile because screen width too narrow, so add overflow-x container and make year box smaller width #remoteok
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add random cats if no filter results #remoteok
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check for non-numeric value in salary schema #remoteok
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location links to footer now that we can filter on location #remoteok
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deploy and test new JS front end code for multi-filtering #remoteok
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pass 1,000,000 unique visitors per month #remoteok
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deploy new filter logic on frontpage #remoteok
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make JS buildFilterQuery() function that takes the current state active-filters boxes and generates a JSON query for it #remoteok
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deploy new filter code to multi tag pages like /remote-php+react-jobs #remoteok
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deploy new filter logic that allows us to filter on benefits, salary, location, and more to tag pages… #remoteok
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add [ 💰 Equity compensation ] as job benefit #remoteok
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make sure stats page doesn’t use estimated salaries from db causing a recursive loop with the salaries estimated from the db’s salaries #remoteok
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