Inflation Chart
Inflation Chart
Show stock market growth adjusted for US dollar money supply
Launched February 12, 2021
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show how fast your money evaporates #inflationchart
fix no inflation shown if no data for this month yet #inflationchart
add S&P500 Total Return (SPXTR) which is a metric index that shows S&P500 with reinvested dividends over time to better compare the return of investing in the stock market with other metrics like investing in a house, this proves that buying a house has 309% return over last 30 years, S&P500 has 3,671% return, as most mortgages are 5x leveraged, this means even WITH a mortgage @ 5x your return would be 1,545% vs S&P500 return of 3,671%, so even WITH a mortgage you’d be making half vs investing the stock market for 30 years #inflationchart
update #inflationchart data for crypto guy
get #inflationchart running on local dev M1X
estimate US Rent before 1981 based on supplementary rent data #inflationchart
get Food Price Index from 1961 to 1990 from 🇺🇳 United Nations by asking over email #inflationchart
link to US CPI vs US Cost of Living to show the CPI numbers are rigged #inflationchart
add more explanation how I derive inflation numbers #inflationchart
add live header of current real inflation #inflationchart
tweet that you losing $2k/mo if you have $100k in savings #inflationchart…
email 🇺🇳 United Nations for food price data before 1990 #inflationchart
add % growth to A / B divider to show REAL cost of living decrease, e.g. -20% in US compared to 1990 #inflationchart
add +% growth in legend #inflationchart
update 🍔Big Mac price because it went up from $5.66 to $6.05 (+6%) in October due to inflation #inflationchart
make adjuster show as default because people don’t understand it #inflationchart
fix empty #inflationchart og:image because it was default redirect to /spx-in-m3 but via JS so Twitter Bot didn’t catch it
add metric flipper #inflationchart
post US home price vs US rent because it’s deviating as fuck #inflationchart
get mention on HN frontpage #inflationchart