Hotel List
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fix bug that would preload hotel modal every time u moved mouse x,y multiple times #hotellist
give up on getting SQLite Spatial extension to work cause "not authorized" #hotellist
take site down until we have a fast spatial db working #hotellist
convert lat,lng coords into spatial geometry points #hotellist
install SQLite Spatialite for geo spatial queries #hotellist
ask X how to speed up lat,lng queries in SQLite #hotellist…
put #hotellist on its own PHP-FPM and SQLite pool
tweet @garrytan #hotellist…
get for $79 in backorder #hotellist
figure out and fix why on load some hotels were missing, the price filter was enabled with NaN because price data wasn't loaded yet so now on page load just load the hotels without filters=[]; array being set #hotellist
fix #hotellist bug if no results
make sitemap script for #hotellist
make price and rating sliders work on mobile #hotellist
write mini blog for #hotellist launch tweet
make slugs work and auto open modal and background map city #hotellist
add #hotellist to Nomad List nav
make #hotellist hotel slugs work
generate slugs for hotels #hotellist
try more minimal layout without header #hotellist
test and find hotels with the price and rating histogram slider in Bangkok that are highly rated and cheap #hotellist