My Fractional CTO Journey
My Fractional CTO Journey
Not just about work, but about life in general. Moved to another country where the people don't speak English. Starting over a new venture as a fractional co-founder for small businesses.
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a nice zzz morning walk zzz 🥶 #leifinlavida
first time watching theatre/opera show with live subtitles #leifinlavida
a bit of codebase refactoring #fcto #leifinlavida
embed tidycal to contact page, instead of direct link #fcto #leifinlavida
watched Ilya Beshevli (pianist) concert with the fam at Astana Opera #leifinlavida
added simpleanalytics to my-biolink website #leifinlavida
they said coding at 2am is fun zzz #leifinlavida
refactoring #fcto website codebase #leifinlavida
fixing broken links/svelte files on #fcto website #leifinlavida
express lunch; buns + hummus #leifinlavida
dealing with client's fickle-mindedness. fun times! #fcto #leifinlavida
today's lunch, nasi goreng kazakhstan or malaysian plov - with leftover grilled lamb #leifinlavida
introduced bonjoro app to clients for better communication and going to limit 1-call every 2 weeks unless it's life&death situation. #fcto #leifinlavida
hanging out at a nearby supermarket, because it's zen and fun. idk. #leifinlavida
done with #fcto work. need to go out for a walk, do some grocery, and then prepare dinner #leifinlavida
create a working-with-leif guide/cheatsheet #fcto #leifinlavida
weekly review + 2-week plan #leifinlavida
gonna get some new boots today before winter #leifinlavida
went to school yesterday to watch kid's soccer team playing + garage sale. had a nice lunch, walked back + icecream stop on a chilly windy astana #leifinlavida
obsidian-git screwed last night. revert commit, and uninstall-reinstall obsidian. lesson learned from this to just go raw on neovim. no more notion, obsidian or any other cms to handle my blog. #leifinlavida