Life updates

Life updates


Life updates
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It sounds like I'm joking, and I wish I was, but spend the day sick in bed, again #life
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Spend the day with family #life
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special day in Spain with the "Reyes Magos" parade, so not much work #life
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Family day #life
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Family time after too many days sick #life
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Applied for 🇵🇹 NHR almost last minute! #life
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Started feeling better after a crazy week. Still not enough to work on anything, but soon! #life
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Spent the day between bed and hospital 😓 #life
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Spend the day in bed, still sick with 39 fever 🥵 #life
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Got sick, again🤒 #life
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Contact finanças to try to unlock the NHR application almost in the last week of the program! #life
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Very little work today. Mostly workout and take care of 1yo #life
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Work a bit on the pizza 🍕 project #life
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Rest day #life
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Continue working on the pizza 🍕 project for a bit #life
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Continue working on the workouts app #life (I'll have to create a project but I still need a name)
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Get sick again, not even a week after getting better 🥲 #life
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Work on the fitness app #life
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Give a push to the new project using react native #life
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start working on a new project 🍕 #life
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