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Play around with NSCollectionView and see that it is just as broken with dynamic heights as NSTableView including discovering a straight up app-crash #blip
Add keyboard command to clear table selection with escape #blip
Add some regression UI tests #blip
Update UI tests #blip
Move creating/editing of entry back inline into main view-controller #blip
Fix infinite event loop when trying to decide what to focus #blip
Fix inconsitency in highlight drawing of entries due to somewhat custom table implementation #blip
auto-focus the input if nothing else wants to handle the key-event to allow quick entry from the main window #blip
Fix cmd+left/right messing with text input and navigating date instead while textView is active #blip
Allow setting up initial growing-text-view height constraint in IB #blip
Fix bug where scrollbar would appear in-between writing/deleting individual letters #blip
use normal image button instead of custom button cell for feeling buttons #blip
Implement a growing NSTextView with lower/upper bounds that doesn't suck #blip
Fix issue with undo breaking for the entry panel because history wasn't cleared #blip
import old journal to #blip
Update tests for new layout & direct-text selection functionality #blip
Fix NSTableView still drawing grid when rows are selected even though setting for it is off #blip
"Final_v1 copy-(1)(2)_final" implementation of flipping NSTableView so it starts at bottom. Fixes issues with selecting as well as outline that is being drawn while contextmenu is open #blip
Figure out how to recreate the same context menu action for flipped tableView as normal without everything being fucked, maybe, hopefully #blip
figure out how to have text selection take precendence over row selection while still supporting both #blip