


Awardin is a directory that features the most successful products created by Indie Hackers. It's the go-to platform for seeking inspiration and recognition for their achievements.
Hello,  I am rebuilding #awardin, creating a directory to list verified and unverified indie hackers' products by MRR.  What would you understand by the following headline?  The world’s biggest products by Indie Hackers🏆
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Hello everyone 👋 My name is Tiago Silva and Im a product lover.   Following my passion for products, this year ive launched to award the best digital products. Those awards help companies improve their reputation and increase conversion. I am getting some positive feedbacks but im no...
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[] I believe product awards provide your product validation, no matter what award it is. It will also help you boost your conversion rates. In early days its hard to find social validation like testimonials, so i believe product awards are the way to go! Prove me wrong:
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Hello! Im looking for partners or affiliates for  💸 If you have a newsletter, listing platform or just an audience that has digital products, im willing to pay 69€ per product certificate sold with an affiliate link or direct sale. The product is currently being sold on gumroad: https://awardi...