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Added 💪 Skills and 👄 Spoken Languages to developer profiles #androiddevcareers
Launch on Product Hunt #androiddevcareers…
See 100 followers in <5 hours. Nice #androiddevcareers
Make LinkedIn Page and post jobs at… #androiddevcareers
See almost 600 jobs on #androiddevcareers
Finish scaffold work to support 'Global remote' jobs on #androiddevcareers. Today made remote/hybrid jobs more visible
Add skills specific filters on #androiddevcareers
Add Structured JSON schema #androiddevcareers
Look at Postmark Dashboard and see 55% open rate #androiddevcareers
Make dedicated Job a Post page and remove the need to fill in email before filling in the form #androiddevcareers
Made a bot to automatically post Android Dev jobs on X #androiddevcareers
Added MissRose bot on the #androiddevcareers Telegram group because 120++ people joined overnight and it started spamming with 'new people joined' messages
Worked on 🔔 Email Notifications today. People can now change their preferences to receive emails daily, weekly or never #androiddevcareers
Redirect www. to non-www using Ngix, because Google Search Console complains about wrong canonical-URLs #androiddevcareers
Made a free 🤖 Telegram bot that posts new Android Dev Jobs every few minutes #androiddevcareers
Add black bar of death when someone's profile is not complete. Getting a lot of signups but only 1 out 5 seem to be populating profile #androiddevcareers
Shiped dedicated 👩💻 Developer Profile pages on with the dev's experience, preferences, studies, etc #androiddevcareers
Add 'x devs already applied' to job listings #androiddevcareers
Make scrappy Post a Job form /w payment when people click on [Post a Job] (instead of stripe checkout) because I can see people clicking but not buying on #androiddevcareers
Add [Complete Profile] button to notify people about new Developer Profile page on #androiddevcareers