Just Crypto Bar
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#justcryptobar Wohhooo appeared finally on Streaks!
#justcryptobar Google notified about indexing
#justcryptobar Updated price on Gumroad to 4.99$ and set up new images
#justcryptobar Got a feedback with a plan from @AndreyAzimov for SEO the application
#justcryptobar checked Apple Store, it still on review. 11th calendar day, 9th business day
#justcryptobar checked Apple Store, it still on review. 10th calendar day, 8th business day
#justcryptobar checked Apple Store, it still on review. 9th calendar day, 7th business day
#justcryptobar Got a messaged from Apple Store to wait some more time
#justcryptobar checked Apple Store, it still on review. 8th calendar day, 6th business day
#justcryptobar Decrease commission… in Apple Store
#justcryptobar Added robots.txt…
#justcryptobar Added sitemap.xml and submitted…
#justcryptobar Add the landing to google search console
#justcryptobar checked Apple Store, it still on review. 7th calendar day, 5th business day
#justcryptobar checked Apple Store, it still on review. 6th calendar day, 5th business day
#justcryptobar checked Apple Store, it still on review. 5th calendar day, 4th business day
#justcryptobar check app store for the review
#justcryptobar Update icon for landing page
#justcryptobar checked Apple Store, it still on review. fourth calendar day, second business day
#justcryptobar Contact with Crisp Support about blocking site