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🔥 deleted `major_external_delivery_service` field since we have everything broken out now #lfk
📝 added support for places that are accepting dine-in status #lfk
📝 Re-slugified places based on their name + (neighborhood OR address) to help build better urls with chain/fast-food support #lfk
broke out social into separate fields and added twitch support #lfk
started adding openschema support for places and refactoring fields for non-restaurants #lfk
🎨 cleaned up the places layout and added a much better template #lfk
✅ fixed deploys and a bunch of small changes to get my ahrefs health check score up to 75% #lfk
🎨 added favicons and broke my website deploys #lfk
🎨 I completely rewrote my place details page from scratch. It only needs a max width applied and to verify the layout on small display and it's done. #lfk
no luck pulling instagram photos from my old creds #lfk
📈 increased health score from 7% to 65% #lfk
✅ shipped a robots.txt file to ignore /cdn-cgi/ #lfk
re-scanned website with ahrefs site-audit #lfk
🍔 added hamburger menu to the closed places list #lfk
re-factored hamburger menu #lfk
🎨 re-styled the neighborhood template #lfk
🎨 re-styled the cuisine template #lfk
rebuilt cuisines and aliases from the ground up #lfk
reworking my cuisine aliases but I can never remember how they work anyways #lfk
reworked cuisine titles and descriptions from a site audit from ahrefs #lfk