DjangoCon US
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finished filling in missing talks for #djangocon
📺 helped with #djangocon videos to get them ready
#djangocon video cleanup and getting them ready for YouTube
Yesterday's mis-typed post, 💤 took a three hour nap and then spent two hours catching back up on #djangocon and #revsys stuff
last day of #djangocon sprints
stayed up too late meeting and chatting with people at #djangocon
great lunch and seeing people at the #djangocon sprints
#djangocon sprints day.
dinner and last full day of #djangocon
halfway through the third day of #djangocon talks
#djangocon day #3 (last day of talks)
full day of talks and volunteering for #djangocon
🧳 packed for #djangocon and overthinking if it's worth fitting more in my suitcase since I have 16 lbs to spare
finished last of #djangocon prep and I started doing laundry to pack for tomorrow
fixed #djangocon open graph tags and a bunch of small moving parts
updated/merged #djangocon pull requests
converted our pydantic v1 models to v2 for #djangocon
📝 wrote and updated a #djangocon grant csv exporter
relaunched/updated a few servers to add workers #djangocon
🏤 revamped sendy logic #djangocon