
Help me out, 🔥 roast tell me what sucks!

Any feedback/questions/thoughts are welcome! I tried my best but have no idea if I'm missing anything obvious. If you think it sucks please let me know as well, I can take it!

Almost six months ago I logged my first #devsync todo on WIP thinking it would take a couple of weeks to launch an MVP.

5 missed launch days later I finally am done enough to launch.

Let me know what you think!

p.s. If you're curious and want to try out the actual chrome extension let me know in the comments and I'll gladly provide a demo key.

Oh, one thing: The landing page is nearly finished but, the videos you can see on the panel (desktop) are going to have a clear indicator that they are clickable and have a smaller video in the corner of the video of me explaining what is actually happening.

I love the landing. I'd go with pricing like $49 not $40. Also don't sell in Euros, sell in USD, that's int'l default. Regardless how it arrives in your account.

Ah the euro thing was kind of an accident but it's not possible to change it trough Gumroad (and creating a new one would make the license check fail). I will probably change this later on (due to long verify times of the Chrome web store). Appreciate the feedback!