vlad Palacio

vlad Palacio


I build for the web and share how I do it, throwing pasta to the wall to see what sticks and allows me to live life on my terms.
Joined March 2024

IM building something for writing was initially for my kids but started using it myself for writing so maybe you can give it a try and give me some feedback :)
The idea started with the purpose to get my kids to write daily for 2 minutes to start then every 5 consecutive days they would get an option to to create a story, image and audio with the last 5 write ups, they enjoyed it and so did I, I left have not done much changes since I built it last year but recently my oldest started asking for things so Im back into it, is called .

You should also try lifelog by @jasonleow

If you call it "buy me a stake" you get my attention :)

I was thinking more about waffles :)

But cool feature to change the name by yourself. Even custom domain.

For my latest project I was also wondering about this at the beginning, but I ended up using and emoji and moved on to build. :)
I would look into doing something like that to start.

Yeah, this is what I general do too, and what I currently have. Exploring next step options to clean it up a bit more.

I just started doing this on a x space and is nice, the option to having to pay sounds good because that would force people to actually stick to it.
I think it would be important to have some sort of progress tracker or goal setting or something a long those line where people can see and share that they actually achieved something and not just attended the sessions but at the end was just to avoid paying 😄