Marcin Doliwa
Marcin Doliwa
Father of 3, RoR developer by day, building side projects by night. Used to play poker for a living for about 10 years
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small milestone, finally suggested domain names are almost always available #nameigniter
add filtering domain names by search term position #nameigniter
Add blank affix so the search term domain is used as a suggested domain name as well #nameigniter
early version launch on twitter… #nameigniter
setup simple analytics with public dashboard… #nameigniter
make name results look clickable for affiliate commisions #nameigniter
showing available domain names only (unfortunately with still some false positives) #nameigniter
link domain names to namecheap affiliate program #nameigniter
Add sorting/filtering options #nameigniter
Sort domain names by popularity #nameigniter
ignoring some false positives rails apps imports like indiegogo campaigns or some websites that are just domain names for sell #rubypilot
import rails apps from Product Hunt #rubypilot
fetch produc hunt submissions for specific time period #rubypilot
basic client to get product hunt submissions #rubypilot