Jon Edgeworth
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100 hammer curls before noon food #gymoffice
248 patriotic shoulder pumps before grilled meats - 1 per yr of independence #gymoffice
100 more to strengthen the core #gymoffice
use hyperscript to toggle classes on interactions #buildingo
100 situps core circuit before noon food #gymoffice
attempt to get scroll to anchor on page load working with HTMX. works when not boosted #buildingo
implement fav/like feature for bd #buildingo
100 incline barbell presses before noon food #gymoffice
add pages/routes/handlers for initial bd features #buildingo
responsive js dropdown & side nav menu work #buildingo
100 deadlifts before noon food. therapy done #gymoffice
front-end dev work 🤯 therapy required #buildingo
fix grid styling for bd reader nav on small screens #buildingo
100 db raise/curl combos before noon food #gymoffice
100 dumbbell rows ea before noon food #gymoffice