Jonas B

Jonas B


Wubba Lubba Dub Dub! ... also building
Joined November 2020

Great Stuff @icesofty I'll try it out for a prototyping session next week.
If you'd have this ready to generate nextjs pages that would save me even more time ;)

I agree with @paullaros points.

My only addition:
2) Copy confirmation is hardly noticeable.

Let me know when you launch.

Thanks @icesofty for taking a look!

You're welcome Jonas!
Can you explain your product like I'm 5? I would love to know more about it!

Same here, also used both MailChimp and Sendgrid. It felt like MailChimp (Mandrill when I used it) was not really designed as a client facing services as Sendgrid is.

Using Sendgrid atm but would also be curious about other options.

I use SendFox, it's basics but it's all I need tbh. You can check the form on