And on #crisp website, we have something that checks:
* dead links (very important)
* sitemap validity (even more important, if you build your own sitemap and don't notice it breaks, then you could loose months of SEO work)
What do you use for that?
Gotcha. I'm not pessimistic but I always try to think about the worst. In your case the user could gain your trust via this first "gig" and then he could have bad intentions in the future. Like a social engineering scam. But this seems really far-fetched.
Interesting. This is a 50-50 problem in my opinion. Are you able to do a background check maybe?
I can try. GitHub looks real, but still anonymized
Gotcha. I'm not pessimistic but I always try to think about the worst. In your case the user could gain your trust via this first "gig" and then he could have bad intentions in the future. Like a social engineering scam. But this seems really far-fetched.
I have the exact same strategy for #jomo , BCC'ed myself for a few days for all new email templates.
I still BCC myself for emails related to some features like student discounts, this way I know the pipeline for that feature is working from A to Z. This serves more as a "health check" in that situation.
Last q, do emails all end up in the same "Inbox" in the Apple Mail client (ie. your iCloud account one)?
Or are you able to have multiple inboxes, like one per email?
No, unfortunately, it's all inside one iCloud "Inbox."
I use "Rules" to put different-colored Flags for some. There are more possibilities, but I found it enough for me.
And for the sitemap it's a custom script to make sure that XML is valid, URLs are valid, etc.