David Furlong

David Furlong


🤔 learning/devtools/productivity products. Can offer help with: Coding/JS/CSS. Could use with help with: finding customers, building an audience 😅
Joined October 2020
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try to debug slow redis requests, realize it's probably because prod is in US and I'm running dev in germany
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ship indexer to render
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move to sidebar
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make a twitter acc for new project
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add redis caching
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try to optimize feed loading time
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try to figure out why supabase is down
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Announce to whole company the new CTO and that I'm going from 2 days a week to 0 by end of october and leaving after 6 years
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review gfs cover letter
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make shakshuka
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add login to app
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more name hunting
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search for a name
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try to use a postgres function and loop to do some intensive code but get cryptic error messages and end up using JS instead
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search for short .xyz domains
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use guide to make postgres search really fast
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try to figure out nested queries in supabase
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reach 800 day duolingo streak
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migrate to new indexer for anycaster
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read up about feed algos
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