Ashit Vora

Ashit Vora


Co-founder of & RaftLabs | USC Alum
Joined July 2024

SEO - interesting. I'm doing a lot of SEO experiments for Draftly. Would love to connect and exchange ideas.

Oh! wow this is interesting.
Is it funded by Gov by any chance?

Would love to hear your LinkedIn Marketing strategies.

Thanks @embuxmann. We are revamping the website and it should go live next Monday. That should be even better. 🤞🏼️.

SEO - I'm learning as well. Doing a lot of experiments on & Would love to exchange ideas. :)

oh! nice.

Well, it will be a long wait before they notice Draftly and list it for FREE :-)

Thanks for sharing your experience.

oh! nice.

Right now its paid but it does promote it on their Newsletter as well.

Based on Bens comment I would guess they pull AI tools from product hunt and/or hacker news and post them, so I would recommend launching your products on those platforms first if you haven't already.

Some I follow on X are:
- tibomaker
- marc
- phuctm97
- gregisenberg

Don't want to hijack your post but just sharing what we have →…

Its a part of the series of micro tools we are creating.

Cool. Makes perfect sense for a LinkedIn scheduler

We both were thinking of the same idea but you launched it first :-)


Thanks! Don't let me stop you though. I wasn't the first to launch this, and won't be the last ;)

Don't want to hijack your post but just sharing what we have →…

Its a part of the series of micro tools we are creating.

Cool. Makes perfect sense for a LinkedIn scheduler