barefoot walked 1.8km 🏃 - time: 19 min - average speed: 5,68 km/h - remarks: Good barefoot walk. Passed by a group of people (gathering) and they were all staring at their phones, maybe the Pokemon thing having another wave. Also, passed by an accident n which a bicycle lay in front of the car (with those iconic white shapes around the bike and front part of the car) and 2-3 cars around. Passing by the policeman (2 men, 1 women) the men seemed to „enjoy“ me walking barefoot - I find no other explanation why they stared at me like that. It’s very simple to stand out from the crowd (not that this was my intention since my intentions to walk barefoot are purely out of healthy aspects). But if you want to stand out easily go to places where you know that people have their way of doing things and just don’t do only one aspect of it and boom you’ll become the „attraction“ even if you didn’t want (like I didn’t). #health
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