Tom Mikulin
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Hetzners dedicated server blew up on the weekend, but on Monday I concacted their support, and they had to fix the motherboard. Good thing it was on a read mongodb replica
mkay, so it seems everyone has moved from Heroku, and it's not as hot as it once was...
I'm completely certain that you only need PM's if your dev's can't supervise themselves....
add a list of high paying devops jobs to reddit #devopsprojectshq
Making a healthy lunch, proteins and veggies. Premade chicken breasts with frozen veggies that you just need to boil in a pan for a while
Ate burgers, 🍔 but forgot to take a pic, a tragedy
gm, I think I fiexd the mail sending yesterday at #devopsprojectshq
Going on a flight simulator this week, where a real life pilot teaches you how to fly a plane