Tom Mikulin
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going to the bakery and getting some steak sandwiches and a salate, fruits etc
Add a DevOps job at our linkedin page #devopsprojectshq
Everyone is talking about A/C's in Europe so here's a pic of the one in my apartment, have it for 6 years now
my wife is sending me pics from Zurich, I got to say it looks very nice!
going through ahrefs courses, and they are awesome!
"We belong only by doing, and we own only by doing"
Ray Bradbury…
debugging vault and consul on a new k8 version and of course it doesn't work, full day of debugging gone
Thinking of doing corrective eye laser surgery to get rid of my freaking glasses
37 Celsius in Croatia now, I would be sweating my balls without an A/C right now
the good thing about ahrefs is that you can see who's full of shit and who's not...traffic doesn't lie
I added a feature where users can create their own profiles at #devopsprojectshq and it seems some people are doing fake accounts/multiple accounts (very annoying)
wow, now I know why so many people do podcasts, they get a backlink from it, that never occurred to me before
Without ahrefs you're farting in the wind my dudes
canceled chatgpt subscription, going for