Emanuele Sini
Emanuele Sini
Martial Artist, Studied electronics, Worked in an IT consultancy company, working on a sustainability Startup and trying to study Creative Business at Uni
I feel like this is a really open and quite hard questions since it really depends on a lot of aspects. I would say that the approach you took of questions and really get to know the customer is the best. Because you already worked there, but now is not your company anymore, so you also have to pose yourself as an external entity and work that new relationship with every person in the room since you don’t know who’s the big fish. Then from a sales pov of course the fact that you already worked there is a big card to play when talking about a tailor made solution for them, but still remaining on this new relationship vibe. Hope this is clear, I am not really an expert, but maybe a feedback is always nice to hear. If you already did the meeting I would be interested to hear on how it went!