Julien Le Coupanec
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add ability to segment companies by tld #thecompaniesapi
improve datapoints page for companies #thecompaniesapi
finalize segmentation per technology version #thecompaniesapi
cleaning technologies detection #thecompaniesapi
Merging PRs and deploying in production #thecompaniesapi
allowing people to segment companies by a specific technology and version (e.g., [email protected]) #thecompaniesapi
learning new skills and enjoying our Sunday pancakes ritual
working on the product updates page #thecompaniesapi
improve filter to include or exclude companies that belongs to specific lists #thecompaniesapi
organized all tasks for this weekend #thecompaniesapi
coding a feature to let users segment companies by top-level domain #thecompaniesapi
Implement search by business type #thecompaniesapi
Ask happy users to share your product on social media platforms #saasmakers