Anastasia Ova

Starting each paragraph with 'I' can appear focused on you rather than proposing value to X company. Simple swaps to other words or even 'We' for your company might look better:

Your <COMMUNITY-NAME> has been doing incredible <TYPE-OF-CONTENT> on X - congrats on growing the community to over <MEMBER-COUNT> members!

There was crypto spam in your community that seems to have slid under your radar: <DIRECT-LINK-TO-SPAM-POST>

We have an automated solution for this. Are you interested in seeing how it works?

Some apply to hundreds yes! But all depends on a fit / quality of resume, cover letter etc. And some luck of course. Example from Reddit here:…

Can see this being useful for graduates starting their careers or people changing industries. Anything with high volume applications, which is hard to track! Great video demo, making it clear how it works.

The name confused me somehow. JobListingsPRO sounds more like jobs board rather than personal job applications? JobApplicationsPRO or JobTrackerPRO could be more native to understand. Or even MyNextJobListings etc.

Cool addition could be a list of dream companies to apply for, if there are no current vacancies. So could add those links to keep checking or set up alerts somehow.

Good suggestions! To be honest, I was struggling with the name for far too long before launch, that I just went with the first thing that came to mind. I will definitely change it in the future.

I have no experience with high volume applications.. Are we talking hundreds of applications at the same time?

Some apply to hundreds yes! But all depends on a fit / quality of resume, cover letter etc. And some luck of course. Example from Reddit here:…