Similar todos
Only show preferences column after clicking on the preferences button #devhub
finish preferences window #taggy
#notes Attach dialogs to preferences window, because that's the context they belong to
Show/hide dock icon and main window depending on preferences #blip
Disable Resize for Preferences Window #awayfromkeyboard
Change Preferences Window ComboBox to PopUpButton #awayfromkeyboard
#notes Add preferences pane triggerable by command shortcut or tray icon
create preferences tab #taggy
Implement a proper Preferences screen for #boltai
Watch "How to create a Preferences Window (Xcode 9, Swift 4)"
Tweak preferences screen #devhub
Preferences Window v0.2 #awayfromkeyboard
add preferences section to customize window restoration behavior independent of system settings (though use system settings as default) #blip
show small not-yet-opened indicator on message #support
make page show on new window too (not just new tab) #tunnelvision
[Mobile] Always show preferences button fixed at the bottom right #devhub
Preferences Window v0.3 #awayfromkeyboard