Similar todos
started final edits MA report
setup for final editing on MA report.
preparing for next few weeks - clearing schedule etc #ekh
Cleaned up agenda for the next two week #life
revise work schedule to meet Monday deadline #ekh
Reviewed schedule for upcoming assignments and research committments #study
revise schedule for completing client work
finished draft of #djangonews and scheduled it for tomorrow
more work on the #djangocon schedule
finished client to-dos, and cleaned week schedule for projects 💪 #consultingfreelance
pulled together stuff for submission Of MA report
finished draft for #djangonews and scheduled it
finished next Monday to-dos! all set #dataproducts #censusone
preparing for another work next 2 weeks #fajarsiddiq
map out next couple days of work #makerstories
drafted and finished scheduling #djangonews
🗞 finished and scheduled #djangonews
Plan rest of the week with all deadlines
Plan tasks for next couple weeks #movementlist