Similar todos
#filepond work out boundaries of image and crop rectangle while dragging image
#filepond image editor prevent image from intersecting with crop area while dragging
implenting drag/resize
#pintura fix canvas scale rounding issues while dragging image
smoother drag and drop positioning #clippulse
resize elements by dragging corners #clippulse
#pintura fix drag release issue on markup shapes
change bg image overlay border-color, create space and squares to resize it with cursors #csspro
#filepond image edit rubber banding on scale / drag interactions
Prevent dragging into completed area #pb
fix drag gesture performance issue
improve focus/blur event detection for drag inputs #lightbox
make drag/resize handles nicer #placid
Make resizing non block image mouse navigiation #wt
fix dragging color stops #csspro
add dragging to sizing section #devsync
New drag and drop #ceev
unfocus inputs when done dragging #lightbox