Similar todos
Fixed an issue with a trips accommodation not showing the initial values when creating a new trip #venturecost
Added "Edit Trip" button & form so users can edit their accommodation, budget, travelers, etc.. #venturecost
Updated the "Create New Trip"-form. Removed budget, and added Accommodation+cost instead #venturecost
Did some planning and sketches on the new Trip-layout. It's going to be LESS things on screen, and things that are more irrelevant things in modal(s). #venturecost
Finished Trip Filters on both User and Trips page. Going to extend it later to change the URL, and have more options later on #venturecost
Finished "Edit Trip" form front & back-end #venturecost
store details into to Trip object #photoroute
The number of travelers can now be edited on the Trip-page #venturecost
Display the number of people in a trip, and make it possible to change it #venturecost
Enrich performance details of each trip with more info #maritime
Added "Mark as Complete" for trips that are past, and simple review functionality in the admin panel #venturecost
fixed a bunch of blog tags and other small issues on Trip Dojo
Updated all forms from the old currency-select to the new one which supports ALL currencies, and not just the used ones for the trip. #venturecost
New Trip page design. Looks fresh AF #venturecost
Design enhancement of #welina journey screen