Similar todos
bb app: switch designer in booking, switch services
bookings in assistant ui, to block time
bb: designer edit booking: waiting list & locked on/off (action sheet)
bb: locked booking server check
bb: locked bookings
bb: show designer name in upcooming bookings
Handle booking request for #homestra
give assistant heir own offdays, check when new bookings is made
bb fix: select demo customer in booking
accept booking #fajarsiddiq
improve edit booking
bb: show msg button after booking done
bb: do not allow new customers to book more than one booking themselves
bb: locked booking -> send user to chat
make minimum booking time >24hrs away
setup booking plugin & settings #bktm
Reply booking enquiries #villasmediterranean
finish up new booking flow. #anyopening
bb app edit booking: add small info button next to customer selection to show current customer details