Similar todos
write about WebRTC #blog2
webrtc article #blog2
refine basic WebRTC
refine basic WebRTC
make progress on WebRTC stuff #blog2
getting back into the code for the WebRTC
start basic webRTC
get same page WebRTC working
Run basic WebRTC
livecode even more WebRTC stuff
livecode more webrtc stuff
Checkout Building Video Conference with WebRTC & Kurento Media Server #downtotalk
livecode more webrtc fun having
Work on websockets #phoneprivacy
decoupling webrtc peer connection creation from the react component #downtotalk
choose between tokbox and twilio for webrtc video chat in #mj. tokbox has amazing docs and amazing sample code that just works out of the box in my app. Twilio is geo-redundant and reliable and I use it for sms already, so would be nice for unified billing (but maybe who cares?) and besides I have a long history of trusting Twilio. But damn, if Twilio video docs couldn't be any more awful. And I can't get their examples working in my React app, so... it might be time to feel the tokbox love.
Learning about web sockets
investigated intregrated Twilio video, but no way (or at least poorly documented) to build with Python and JS #readyset
speed up #crisp chatbox WebSocket servers VPN from café