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figure out how and put app from computerz to iPhonez #producthunthackathon
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figure out how to validate things in swift w/ CoreData stuff and make sure entries arent crashing things #producthunthackathon
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find somewhere to blog bout #producthunthackathon process
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figure out why data is being not sorted properly #producthunthackathon
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wireup initial coredata #producthunthackathon
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market research #producthunthackathon
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finished #producthunthackathon submission…
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figure out the product name for #producthunthackathon
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progress update on twitters #producthunthackathon
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post twitter update for Nov 9 2017 #producthunthackathon
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hackathon day 2
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reply to Kickstarter messages regarding #producthunthackathon
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launch kickstarter campaign for #producthunthackathon
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submitted my 3 projects for the #producthunthackathon
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undo hours of work... ugh... resizable textfield is the culprit. Will try again later. #producthunthackathon
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create a donation place to raise 135$ cdn for 1 year apple dev account to ship #producthunthackathon 👀
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make twiattar update for Nov 17 2017 #producthunthackathon
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