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post release it review to r/devops #slashdeploy
write bookshelf post #slashdeploy
deploy with netlify #growthjobslist
start reading release it for review #slashdeploy
LP deployment on netlify #support
post release it review to r/programming #slashdeploy
get back list of iod posts #slashdeploy
set up deploys from gatsby cloud to netlify #blog2
edit relase it! review #slashdeploy
post release it review to hackernews #slashdeploy
Create webinar assets #integrallabs
put webchat to staging, found out that it can be deployed with just netlify #support
rework docker project boilerplate template post #slashdeploy
fix link order on website #slashdeploy
deploy #colourhunt to netlify
deploy #devletters to netlify
Set up upcoming webinars #integrallabs
write DevOps Handbook draft 2 #slashdeploy
Load up post webinar stuff #integrallabs