Similar todos
send application for job offer #linuxjobsio
Post job offer #mapmelon
follow up with intern for start date this summer #ludere
pitch internship listing to ODI #livingwageinterns
prepare meeting with candidate for design internship
pitch intern listing to company #livingwageinterns
Hired new intern
start onboarding interns
create job offer for recruiter #linuxjobsio
write intern process and job description etc as a blogpost to send to everyone who reached out…
Mailed possible interns
reply to everyone who was interested in being an intern
pitch two other companies for internship listings #livingwageinterns
pitch sponsorship offer #livingwageinterns
Finish job offer page #remoteindex
make links for job listings #livingwageinterns
add an internship #livingwageinterns
accept offer from dayjob