Similar todos
Number of travelers in a Trip now shows as "1 Person" or "2 People" etc. #venturecost
The number of travelers can now be edited on the Trip-page #venturecost
Show basic information about a user on the user-page (example: Number of trips) #venturecost
Replaced the number of travelers by the Trip purpose for two reasons. To make it more clear that the cost is per person, and to show that different purposes of trips can be filtered. (Because obviously you spend more when you're on vacation!) #venturecost
Added stats while hovering a trip. Currently it shows the ratings a user has given the trip, but it will be extended to show some numbers later too #venturecost
show some stats from trips on #photoroute
Renamed database fields to make more sense, applied everywhere and started moving all the trip settings into a modal called "Edit Trip" to make things easier for the eye #venturecost
#nomadbond show total number of trips on user profile page
Finished Trip Filters on both User and Trips page. Going to extend it later to change the URL, and have more options later on #venturecost
store details into to Trip object #photoroute
Trip - Show trip description in header #skipool
Trip - Give the user clear feedback why they can't add multiple cars to a Trip #skipool
Fixed an issue with a trips accommodation not showing the initial values when creating a new trip #venturecost
Added "Edit Trip" button & form so users can edit their accommodation, budget, travelers, etc.. #venturecost
Updated the "Create New Trip"-form. Removed budget, and added Accommodation+cost instead #venturecost