Similar todos
Show template title info on workout history tiles #gymbro
fix tile dates and personal records for workouts #gymbro
Various Cosmetic Changes in the exercise tiles during workout #gymbro
Allow saving when workout done #bicepsio
improve exercise tiles #fitloop
Workout Instance tiles now correctly fetch and present previous set reps/weights and initialize sets correctly #gymbro
Show progress of workouts done #bicepsio
Make exercise info more presentable in various places #gymbro
Initialize an exerciseDetails modal which I;ll fill with details about completed/done exercises and stylize appropriately #gymbro
#weburn Develop Workout Routine Feature: Show routine is finished state.
Fetch correct workout template title for each workout instance #gymbro
Write better print statements for future debugging deleting workout data #beep
Allow users to delete workout templates #gymbro
Present all workouts per day with appropriate icons #progrs
Updated exercise page on open #ss
fix equipment for exercises on all applicable tiles #gymbro
Show multiple workouts per single session nicely formatted #getfitbot