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🤖 used ChatGPT to help write a YouTube playlist to markdown script today. So fast.
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Mind-blowing ChatGPT - #fajarsiddiq
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Spent half day trying to cajole ChatGPT and Bing to help me animate the chart from left to right, but no deal 😩 #chartpix
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🤖 sat down and had ChatGPT write some GPT4(ish) code for me
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Fed 1 hour of WhatsApp voice notes to Whisper for transcription, then used ChatGPT to summarize them, and finally chatted with the notes to quickly extract the relevant insights #surrealism #life
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Playing with scraping and feeding tons of PDFs to ChatGPT #life
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Complete survey analysis with ChatGPT code explorer… #useattractor
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used ChatGPT to break the ice on a half dozen small projects with a goal of eventually automating them #mylife
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Worked on getting ChatGPT working with the Line echo bot example...created a separate file to test the OpenAI API call...hit an error, turned out I needed to pay separately for API credits...hit another error from my request not being formatted properly...finally got it working, now I need to try to integrate it with the Line echo bot...updated the code to use the ChatGPT code and deployed it, but the bot isn't responding anymore, I need to examine the logs...checked the logs with `dokku logs api` (`api` being the name of my app) and saw the error: "You didn't provide an API key."...need to add my API key as an env that added with `dokku config:set`...tested the echo bot again and IT WORKED. It is insane insane insane how fast I can get stuff working when I can ask ChatGPT for help at every step to cut through all the usual Googling to figure out how to do up, hmm, I'm not sure, either work on an accompanying Vue frontend or try fleshing out the bot to handle the particular use-case I have in mind...sent an email to another YouTuber to see if I can do a video with him.
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Sketch freehand design for the #GTFO chatbot
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OMG I feel so smart doing this. Was painful trying to manually input my listing records. So I asked ChatGPT to do it! Asked it to extract specific items within a JSON array, and output a new JSON with just those items. Had to provide the JSON in drips due to word limit per msg. I know GPT4 code interpreter can do this but I'm using the free ChatGPT 3.5! 🎉 #ketolistsingapore #listskit
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used ChatGPT to help brain storm some major features for my scraper proxy project that powers a ton of my projects
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Generate illustrations with Midjourney and write copy with ChatGPT #kompak
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experiment with ChatGPT for hours #glife
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write blog about playing around with OpenAI and ChatGPT #blog2
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🤖 tried out ChatGPT to mixed results
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🤖 I tried out the new ChatGPT Python API and gisted a demo…
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played with some ChatGPT 4o plumbing for a few projects
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ChatGPT experiment at summarizing long form posts into Twitter threads, inspired by @swizec - it works somewhat! Just prompting it to summarize gave very formal prose. Got stopped when I added "in the voice of <celebrity/famous person>". Had to add "in the voice that's informal, conversational and punchy" to make it better, after 3 tries. Maybe good as a first draft for me to work on? 🤔 #lifelog
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finally have time to test chatGPT #life
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