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🟣 Watch all YouTube videos by #designdiaries
Watch/read UX/design video & article.
Watch 30 minutes of video about UI and UX
use Youtube as Gatsby source, list videos from playlist
🔴 Continue the challenge by designing the full website mockups for YouTube #designavecjuuu
new youtube video #gamequitters
Watch API youtube videos #dev
Research YouTube Player API #theportal
🔴 Create a design system scenario for a YouTube video #designavecjuuu
thumbnail youtube #plantmyforest
watch youtube tutorial videos #fajarsiddiq
study youtube data api #honesttribe
updated #djangocon videos on YouTube
Watch half if Redux tutorial videos
🔴 Create a design system scenario V2 for a YouTube video #designavecjuuu
Watched ES6: The Right Parts by Kyle Simpson (@getify) on Frontend Masters
🔴 Create the script for the next YouTube video: 15 Interfaces in 15 Days Challenge #designavecjuuu
get youtube videos from api #igtvresizer