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🏡 gets caught up on a week's worth of yard work #mylife
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🏡 and a bunch of yard work #mylife
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🏡 weekly mowed and other yard work #mylife
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yard work cuz Saturday
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Some heavy gardening #life
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🏡 mowed, trimmed, and watered some weed begone iron on the yard before I head out this week #mylife
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🏡 yard work and stuff around the house #mylife
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Yard work with some helpers. Went surprisingly better than I thought it would #life
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🏡 more yard work and finally done with the mulch #mylife
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clean up a bunch of downed tree limbs and debris after a week of storms
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T-3 days until #djangocon. Tons of community work.
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🏡 mowing my yard
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Clean-up yard #house
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long day of work #mylife
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Drained after a record week #freelance
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🍃 cleared most of the leaves out of the yard. One more weekend possibly to go #mylife
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🏡 mowed the yard and did some yard work while the kiddo napped #mylife
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🏡 mowed half the yard before being rained out, made burgers for the family, took a nap, and had a chill day #mylife
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day job of a long four-day-week #mylife
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Thursday #revsys client work before I take a three-day-weekend
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