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Feature Addition for GitHub Repo Information Display: Added functionality for users to view information about a GitHub repository they've added to their account. 2 new files were added, and 9 files were modified. Powered by #weybabot
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Feature Update: Display Non-GitHub Integration Info: Added functionality to show information about non-GitHub integration items and a URL button, with 2 files modified. Powered by #weybabot
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Initial Version of User Repo to Todo Logic: Introduced the initial version for user__git_repo to published_todo logic with modifications to 3 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Feature Update and Webhook Optimization: Reduced menu string length and manually pinged git webhook. Modified 10 files. Powered by #weybabot
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#weybabot publishing todos based on git commits working successfully. Check
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update github with issues + milestone #postman
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update README #nomads on GitHub
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Make many todo's in code base instead of on GitHub #dunbar
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Remove Global GitHub Webhook Endpoint: Removed the global GitHub webhook endpoint and made 1 modification. #weybabot Powered by #weybabot
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Feature Addition: Unlink Git Repo from Project: Added the ability for users to unlink a git repository from a project. Modified 3 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Fix GitHub Repo Name Checker in Webhooks 👉 Corrected the GitHub repository name checker in webhooks, involving modifications to 1 file. Powered by @weybabot
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Consolidate WIP and GitHub into Integrations for Enhanced UX: Merged /wip and /github into /integrations to improve user experience. Added 6 new files and modified 8 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Refactor Grammy Sessions and Update User Notification Flow: Refactored sessions versioning and updated the notification flow for new users in the Grammy project. Modified 3 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Only update WIP todo when GitHub issue title changes [anarkioteam/wip-x-github#25] #wipxgh
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publish #conditioner update to npm and github
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update users about publication #quickcode
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write GitHub issues for most pending WIP todos #kornwolf
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add #baliseacable to GitHub
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add #qrmenu to GitHub
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add #rebase to GitHub
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