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Enhancements on Session Defaults and Git Repo Management: Added functionality to manage Git repositories from the menu, including attaching and removing repos to projects, worked on session default values. Added 2 files, modified 17 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Feature Addition: Unlink Git Repo from Project: Added the ability for users to unlink a git repository from a project. Modified 3 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Enhance Git Configuration and Refactor Signal Handling: Added .gitignore entry for deno.lock, refactored signal handling in bot.ts and main.ts, with 3 files modified. Powered by #weybabot
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Feature Update and Webhook Optimization: Reduced menu string length and manually pinged git webhook. Modified 10 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Managed to fix Heroku Git, thanks to ChatGPT! Deployed the 2 features made over last weekend - time hop, and download archive #lifelog
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Feature Addition for GitHub Repo Information Display: Added functionality for users to view information about a GitHub repository they've added to their account. 2 new files were added, and 9 files were modified. Powered by #weybabot
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Enhance Integrations, Commands, and Refactor GPT4 Prompt 👉 Added GitHub OAuth flow, introduced /cancel command, refined GPT4 prompt with hashtags, and updated mentions syntax. 7 files added, 7 modified. Powered by @weybabot
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Feature Update: Display Non-GitHub Integration Info: Added functionality to show information about non-GitHub integration items and a URL button, with 2 files modified. Powered by #weybabot
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Consolidate WIP and GitHub into Integrations for Enhanced UX: Merged /wip and /github into /integrations to improve user experience. Added 6 new files and modified 8 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Minor Tweaks to Project: Performed small tweaks, modifying 2 files without adding or removing any. #weybabot Powered by #weybabot
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Bug Fixes and Cron Rescheduling for External Data: Fixed key issue in linked GitHub repo fetch, updated git menus, and rescheduled external data cron to every 15 minutes. Modified 3 files. Powered by #weybabot
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Fix GitHub Repo Name Checker in Webhooks 👉 Corrected the GitHub repository name checker in webhooks, involving modifications to 1 file. Powered by @weybabot
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Fix in serviceToGitHandlers.isSet: Tweaked `serviceToGitHandlers.isSet` to improve functionality. Modified 1 file. #weybabot Powered by #weybabot
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Bug Fix in serviceToGitHandlers.set: Fixed a bug in `serviceToGitHandlers.set`, modifying 1 file. #weybabot Powered by #weybabot
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Temporary Manual Addition of #weybabot 👉 Fixed a work-in-progress issue by manually adding #weybabot temporarily, with 2 files modified. Powered by @weybabot #weybabot
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Fix for ServiceToGitHandlers.set Issue: Implemented a permanent fix for the `serviceToGitHandlers.set` problem, modifying 1 file. #weybabot Powered by #weybabot
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Remove Global GitHub Webhook Endpoint: Removed the global GitHub webhook endpoint and made 1 modification. #weybabot Powered by #weybabot
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🚜 added landing page to git issue tracking project and misc updates today #mylife
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Fix Bug in serviceToGitHandlers.set Method: Addressed and fixed a bug in the `serviceToGitHandlers.set` method, involving 1 modification. #weybabot Powered by #weybabot
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🚀 deployed new tables, gitlab fixes (not al lof them), and a bunch of subtle layout changes #djangopackages
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