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Wasn't feeling productive yesterday b/c I hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before, so I stopped trying to work after 1 coffee and 1 Caffeine+, told myself to focus on getting to bed on time, slept well last night (~9-10hrs), and I'm feeling good today. Just took a Caffeine+ to start the day and set my timer for 90 mins until I'll have a coffee or tea.
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Drink coffee b/c I'm procrastinating on recording vids explaining my accomplishments for past clients and could use the dopamine rush to push through it.
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worked outside w/o coffee and felt better after a few hours
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Went to a cafe I've never been to before and took a 220mg caffeine pill to power through my procrastination to start working on #rhymecraft again
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drink coffee b/c I've been wasting days just scrolling Twitter
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nothing productive today
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coffee (actually many hours ago but WIP was down) #life
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Have coffee, work on side project #life
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Didn't do much this morning, to be honest, because I didn't feel like doing anything from the list. So I helped Safira from Madrid with a hack, attended social media and a couple phone calls, and tried to chill out a bit. But I don't like this background feeling of unproductiveness, so at the end I don't actually chill out. #life
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Have coffee and start working #life
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Saw everyone's making coffee and felt left out so brewed another pot at 12:04am 😆 #life
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Made coffee myself for the first time ever, in my condo. It was super effective at making me productive. #life
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woke up and worked on the frontend of my project from bed before having a coffee #learnwebdev
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slept 4.5 hours to make up for the all-nighter yesterday, made coffee, started work #currentclients
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make coffee to ✨feel something✨ and get an early start on Monday's tasks #life
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Did nothing for a while, took it easy and had some creative thinking #life
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got off my chair, cranked up the standing desk and the music and found some motivation
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wake up and drink coffee #life
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Did another 9hr workday on my own stuff, I can definitely see how I could end up a millionaire if I kept this up for a few years. Stopping 90mins after taking my last 50mg caffeine pill of the day, gonna play games until it's time to go to sleep.
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drinking coffee #life
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